Thursday, April 6, 2017

Till We Meet Again

I tried to learn how to play the piano once upon a time (a long time) ago. We bought a piano because I was going to learn how to play it. I didn't need lessons, I taught myself how to crochet and knit so what can be so hard about playing a piano. I learned how to play a song. I can't remember the name of it, but it goes like this. My Bonnie lies over the ocean, my Bonnie lies over the sea la la la. My body has twoburkulosis, My body has only one lung. the song goes on, but my memory falls short.
I knew the song so I played it over and over until one day I noticed my husband had cotton stuffed in his ears so I suggested we move the piano to the back bedroom. He leaped out of his chair and grabbed the end of the piano and pulled it away from the wall and somehow we managed to get it in the back bedroom. Time moved on and I grew tired of the piano and knew I would never learn how to play it so one day I suggested we sell it. About three days later when I came home from work he told me he had sold the piano. They were coming to get it that evening. He never did get around to putting a bathroom in the basement or much of anything else, but we got the piano out of the house. 
I still miss him. He liked to search the paper for grocery ads and buy the groceries. I hate that task. He loved to cook and he was an excellent cook. He would love the cooking shows. He didn't like to clean house so that was my job. He also took care of the car problems and bought the gas. Till we meet again.

Tyler Faris

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