Monday, May 5, 2008

Stamp out Measles

It was reported in today’s paper that there have been 9 confirmed cases of Measles in Eastern Washington. When I was a child, everybody was expected to get the measles. A common question was "have you had the measles yet"? The measles were called German measles or hard measles. I had them when I was about 12 years old and I was one solid red bumpy itchy rash, including my eyes. I was flat on my back for about a week. The blinds were closed on the windows because light was very hard on your eyes while you had the measles. Measles even have an odor. Your eyes turn red, like pink eye. You are sick with fever and coughing. Siblings would soon be infected with them because they were highly contagious. Most families had 6 or 7 kids. Whooping cough and Mumps was another expected illness that most kids went through. Many children didn’t survive those illnesses. My 22-month-old sister is one that didn’t survive Whooping cough. The year was 1936.
Now it’s making a comeback. What happened to the vaccine? Are people not taking it anymore or is it ineffective?


Jimh. said...

That seems like a question for Cora. Well, I am amazed at that. I had no idea of the symptoms nor that you had had are now a subject of historic interest. Congratulations. Unfortunately there is no prize.

frogglet said...

I think one of the problems is that people are not getting their kids vaccinated like they used to. Some are just ignorant and some are scared of the proposed link between autism and preservatives in vaccines. But the fact is that kids die from those things and vaccines save more lives than them harm. The health care system really needs to research safer vaccines so we can still live without those awful illnesses. We get complacent with the cures we have and don't continually look for better ones and that gets us into trouble. Ok, off my soap box, now.

Kim said...

I have my kids poked with needles for EVERYTHING...
I haven't heard of measles breaking out in a long time.
Have a Great Evening..