Saturday, July 31, 2021

What's Next

Why is it such a big deal to live to such a ripe old age? Another year, another pain, nothing to gain, that I have found yet.
No, I don't really want to die because I would miss everyone. But think of all those we loved that have moved on that might make up for it. If you don't mind I would like to wait a few more years to find out. Let them wait! We don't want to wait too long because it looks like everything is going to burn up someday.
Are we going to get vaccinated? Are we going to wear a mask? 
I think everyone has a right to their views except in this case. Get vaccinated and wear a mask!
It is still 97 degrees here and it's 5:30 PM.
When there is nothing on TV except Basketball and no place to go or any wheels to take me there I may as well hibernate like the bear does.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Crazy World.

I've been here for a good long time and it has never been this crazy before. Oh well, they always find a way to fix things. Just wait for the fix. 
I just sit here and wait for the time to go by. If I had a car it would be a lot more fun, but think of the money I save! No insurance, gas, oil, mechanic expense. It might not be so bad if I was able to walk somewhere, but I can't even walk to my mailbox on the street anymore. I have a very kind neighbor that brings my mail to me and takes my garbage can to the street on the pick-up day.

The eyesight is bad and eliminates a lot of what I would like to do. As far as I know, I am in good health and may live another 8 years, which will put me at 100.
My memory is bad and I may have written all this last week but if I did, too bad. You already read it again. It's time to shut up.
See ya later!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Stop The Clock

Stop the clock and let me off. I'm tired of going round and round. With every tick-tock, we grow a little older. When we get so old or the body fails us we stop ticking.
We never know when we'll stop ticking for sure.  Doctor's can make a pretty close prediction at times, but it's still a guessing game. 
Karen and Dennis came over this weekend from Tacoma to visit. They had a brand new car, it's a Honda and the prettiest blue color and has all the bells and whistles. It's a smart car, if it is about to run into something it will stop in its tracks. You can start your car from inside your house and the car stays locked. it has a screen that shows everything behind you and even shows the blind spot. It does all kinds of things. The first car I remember had a crank hole in the front and you had to start the motor with the crank. It didn't have turn signals, you used your arm for that. 
We went to a fruit stand and found really good tomatoes and cantaloupes. They got Cherries and Peaches and Apricots, I haven't tried my cantaloupe yet.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Grumpy Me

The last time I complained about how boring life is, I was bombarded with ants, so I shalt never complain about being bored again. The ants seemed to come out of the woodwork. I got rid of those after a few dollars. 

Kenny goes to the store for me. When he came in with the groceries and I started emptying the bags and kept finding things not on the list. He decided to point it out that they were on my list, the list he showed me was dated March and this is July. Oh well, I can always use it, but I wish I had some lettuce. I guess we need to delete those grocery list from the phone.

Some of the commercials on TV are more entertaining then the program. Or maybe I have entered my second childhood. I am so old I can remember going to a neighbors house to listen to the radio. I also remember going to visit a relative, but mainly it was to watch their TV. When that microwave came out it was unbelievable that you could heat a bowl of soup in a couple minutes. 
The dishwasher was the one I appreciated more than any other. When I was a child it was my own bicycle. 
I'm just killing time. Back to the recliner! I seldom get out of the recliner. I have a back problem and if that isn't a good enough excuse, I will be 93 next month. 
When women get this old we stop trying to pass as being 10 years younger and start bragging about how old we are. 



Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Big Bad Ants

The house gets messy when the ants come to visit. At first they are on the table and I have Hot Shot ant spray just in case! So I sprayed their happy little arses. Then I discover they are in the cupboard all over the dishes. So I unload everything to the table. So they are all over the table again. At least they aren't in the pantry so I close that door as though a door is going to stop an ant. It looked like they were coming in through the back door as though they had been invited. I sprayed the doorway. 
Polly, my neighbor happen to pop in and she went home and got her Raid spray. I rinsed the dished and put each dish in the dishwasher. I didn't want to wash dishes with the ants. Then I discovered they are all over the shelves in the pantry and I ran out of spray and soon Polly ran out of spray. I asked Kenny to go buy some ant  spray. Now they are on the higher shelves and I cannot get on a foot stool or anything like that so  I'm going to call the professionals. I called Pointe insect spray co. or whatever they are called. He said they are called Point, leave the E off of it. 
They came and sprayed every room in the house, garage and outside the house and it can take up to 14 days to kill all of them.
There were still some this morning but I haven't seen one for quite a long while so maybe they are history. I have had ants before but a little spray got rid of them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Ho-hum Pandemic

It's boring, mundane and a little insane so I decided to grab a nap to break up the monotony. I kicked back the recliner and closed my peepers, I drift off into the land of Nod very quickly when the man from the postal service rang my bell, doorbell that is. It startled me and I made a giant leap out of my chair and staggered to the door. He had a great huge box and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Wow! what did someone send me! I asked the carrier if he would set it inside for me because I would still be out there trying to get it inside. He very kindly did that for me, now I remember what it is. A large bundle of toilet paper. Oh well, life is life.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Ant Dance

Now I have something to write about! I had an invasion today from an ant family reunion. Creepy little critters just moved in and took over. I went out to the kitchen to get something to eat but the ants had beat me to it. Blazen little devils just marched in through the back door. There must have been a jillion of them. I broke up their happy dance. I sprayed until I ran out of spray and washed everything down with Clorox water and mopped the floor and I had to do that from a chair because of my ailing back. My chairs have wheels so I was mopping and wheeling, and now I am so tired I can't see straight. I still see a little straggler now and then. I don't know how fast they reproduce. When we are kids they teach us about the bird's and bee's but tell us nothing about the damned ant. You just have to learn the hard way. 
Now I am going to look in the back yard and see if there is an ant hill and if there is it will soon be history. 
 Have a happy day ~~~~~~~~~