Saturday, July 10, 2021

The Big Bad Ants

The house gets messy when the ants come to visit. At first they are on the table and I have Hot Shot ant spray just in case! So I sprayed their happy little arses. Then I discover they are in the cupboard all over the dishes. So I unload everything to the table. So they are all over the table again. At least they aren't in the pantry so I close that door as though a door is going to stop an ant. It looked like they were coming in through the back door as though they had been invited. I sprayed the doorway. 
Polly, my neighbor happen to pop in and she went home and got her Raid spray. I rinsed the dished and put each dish in the dishwasher. I didn't want to wash dishes with the ants. Then I discovered they are all over the shelves in the pantry and I ran out of spray and soon Polly ran out of spray. I asked Kenny to go buy some ant  spray. Now they are on the higher shelves and I cannot get on a foot stool or anything like that so  I'm going to call the professionals. I called Pointe insect spray co. or whatever they are called. He said they are called Point, leave the E off of it. 
They came and sprayed every room in the house, garage and outside the house and it can take up to 14 days to kill all of them.
There were still some this morning but I haven't seen one for quite a long while so maybe they are history. I have had ants before but a little spray got rid of them.

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