Monday, November 30, 2020

I'm Bored With Me

Not much going on around here. If you live with a family at least you have someone to hash things over with. I have a lot of family members but I don't live with any of them.

It's the time of day when I have to fight sleep. Yesterday I didn't fight the sleep and went to sleep and slept until bedtime. Then I went to bed and stayed awake until around two AM. That would be fine but I have a cat that thinks she was put on this earth to wake me at 3 AM. So I have been overly tired today. Now, what do you think she is doing? Sleeping, of course.

It'll sure be nice when everyone has an electric car. If we had those even I could drive a car. I probably won't live to see that day.

I have seen so many new things in my lifetime. Well, it's a 92-year span.  I have no news. We have cold weather and no snow to put up with. 

I have denture problems, I am on a Denture diet. I need another adjustment. Or maybe I'll wait until I lose a little more weight. 

I have nothing new to yak about so I shall sign off. 

Have a wonderful Christmas!

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Way It Is

It's time for a change in the political arena. I just listen to their noise and hope for an improvement. 

There is not much to do in these days of my golden years. The body is worn out and sitting in a chair is about all I'm good at anymore. The memory is somewhat undependable. I sit at the table to eat a meal and think of something I forgot to get out of the Fridge so I get out of the chair and by the time I get to the Fridge I forgot what I was there for so I stand there to think about it. I look in the Fridge hoping I will see what I am there for. Then I notice something that needs to be thrown out so I take care of that. You get the picture, that is how the whole day goes.

I had to get new dentures and what a nightmare that was. The next thing on the agenda is a lost hearing aid. Those things are so outlandishly priced it's ridiculous. $1600 for one hearing aid. 

Taking the mask off is the problem. I'm sure that is what happened and I was very careful and thought I was making sure I didn't pull it out. Anyway, it's gone, but when I went to a different place to check on the price of a new one, she checked the one aid I still had and adjusted it and for the first time since I've had it I can hear so much better then I could before. In fact, I think I can hear okay with just the one aid. I am going to make it work. The place I had been going to just didn't know how to adjust them. No wonder I was their only customer. 

My Homeowners insurance doesn't cover it. The clerk told me that you need to have a separate insurance policy to cover it. 

I just thought I'd share my gripes with you. 

I Kid you not, this is exactly how I look, cane and all.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

A Cat Tale

If there is an empty box around it won't be empty for long. I didn't know much about cats until this one came into my life. 
This cat loves music, and especially George Jones and Randy Travis. I found a YouTube of their video and she always gets up here in my face and pesters me. Maybe she wants it off, I'm not sure.
Well, the days are getting shorter and shorter and daylight savings time doesn't make it last any longer. 
It rained and it blew here today. 
I'm finally going to get a perm and a haircut so I'll look like a normal person again. 

Well, as you can tell I don't know anything to tell you about so I shall shut up and find something on TV.

Friday, November 13, 2020

The Big Change

I never dreamed it would come to this. Wear the mask, stay home, keep six feet away from others. This is something people should be doing when they have a common cold. Keep it to yourself! 
I have good news for you youngsters. When you reach old age you no longer get a cold. We finally built up an immunity to the germ. I don't know if that's true or not but it sounds good. I have not had a head cold for eons. 
I went to a new doctor because my doctor had gone into teaching. He didn't let his patients know about it. You found out when you called for an appointment. So I had a new doctor. No blood work was ordered. I asked about a blood test and he didn't think it was necessary. I told him about the itching problem I have but he didn't have anything to say about it. I told him about my legs and feet hurting. He made no comments about that either.
He had on a mask so I can't tell you if he was in there or not. I will not be making any more appointments any time soon. Why bother?
Now we have fraud and fake news and lies or so I heard more than once. 

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Time Crawls

Dying seems so final nobody wants to do it, but if they knew what old age feels like they may not want to go there either. 
Since I am now officially old I can tell you that you still don't want to die. Well, you're going to miss everybody, that's why. It's one reason. 
I can't think of any other reasons now. 
It's been a long day. One day recently I was thinking you never see anyone with a flat tire these days. That must have been a premonition because the other day when Chris and I were out and about doing important things we had a flat tire, flatter than a pancake. and what can we do? Kenny had no vehicle, not even a riding lawnmower. Remember George Jones, the singer with the drinking problem. He rode one to town to get more booze. Since Kenny couldn't do anything we called everyone we could think of. We didn't know how to change a tire and we didn't want to learn how that day. It was freezing cold and I only wore a light jacket because I knew I would be in the car and besides that, I had to pee. Everybody does from time to time. 
I tried to call Deena and for some reason, the phone kept dialing Molly, my granddaughter that lives in Ellensburg, several miles away. The stupid phone. Molly kept saying, you got Molly again. 
Chris thought of someone else and he could help us but it would be a while before he could. So we waited and when he came the tire was a problem because something had glued to the tire and he couldn't break it loose. I forgot to mention she had run over a curb just before the flat and it was that tire that was flat, flatter than a pancake. That was why he couldn't change the tire but he had what he needed but it was in a storage shed on 48th. So we cooled our heels while he went to the storage shed and I still needed to pee. 
When he came back he whammed the daylights out of it and finally broke it loose. Well, maybe you needed to be there to see exactly what was stuck to the tire. It all ended well and I relieved my bladder and thawed the ice cycles that were hanging on me. 
Home never looked so good.