Monday, November 30, 2020

I'm Bored With Me

Not much going on around here. If you live with a family at least you have someone to hash things over with. I have a lot of family members but I don't live with any of them.

It's the time of day when I have to fight sleep. Yesterday I didn't fight the sleep and went to sleep and slept until bedtime. Then I went to bed and stayed awake until around two AM. That would be fine but I have a cat that thinks she was put on this earth to wake me at 3 AM. So I have been overly tired today. Now, what do you think she is doing? Sleeping, of course.

It'll sure be nice when everyone has an electric car. If we had those even I could drive a car. I probably won't live to see that day.

I have seen so many new things in my lifetime. Well, it's a 92-year span.  I have no news. We have cold weather and no snow to put up with. 

I have denture problems, I am on a Denture diet. I need another adjustment. Or maybe I'll wait until I lose a little more weight. 

I have nothing new to yak about so I shall sign off. 

Have a wonderful Christmas!

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