Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Cat Catastrophe

This is SassyLeMassy the boss.
Sassy stopped eating all day yesterday and this morning and was in my face meowing her head off and even during the night she was pouncing on me and meowing. 
I decided she would need to see a Vet and I'm not rolling in money so it was a problem. 
What is wrong with her and what does she want I kept asking myself. Finally, I decided to put fresh food in her bowl. I thought it would help and that is when the answer came. I have very impaired vision but when I picked up the dish it was covered with ants I had the answer to the problem. They were all over the area and if there is anything I hate much more than an ant in the house I don't know what it is. Thank goodness I still had a can of ant spray. They are now history and Sassy is no longer hungry and the peace and quiet is heavenly. 
Now, for the rest of the story. The next time I went in the kitchen the ants had returned. More than ever of them. 
I remember that my neighbor, Polly, is always spraying ant hills in the yard so I called her. She said she would be right over and she was with her can of Raid ant repellant. She sprayed the area and said that will be the end of the ants. She was right. I do believe they are gone.   

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sixty-eight Miles and Back

Today I took a little trip out of Yakima, 68 miles to be exact. It's been a long time since I have been 68 miles from home. I saw my Grand kids. Some of them, that is. Two of them have birthdays a day apart and there was a celebration. They were not born the same year. 
I enjoyed seeing everyone and seeing Emily and Jeff's home. They have a beautiful home with lots of room. Now, I'm tired and waiting for bedtime. I've been listening to my goat roping music. Some people call it hillbilly music, I call it good music. I'm going to call it bedtime and say goodnight.
This is a five-generation picture. The baby was born January 22nd and her name is Anaiyah Retha Lemaster. Mom and Daddy are Wendy and Tylor.

Tylor, great-great-grandma,Deena and Cori
and baby makes five.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Baby Arrived

My new great great-granddaughter arrived today. It's been an exciting day. I think most of both families were at the hospital today including me. 
Tylor was in the delivery room during delivery and when someone asked how he was doing he said, "Well, I saw something I'm afraid I'll never be able to unsee. 
Anyway here are a couple of pictures. 

Monday, January 20, 2020

What Day Is It

Me: Sunday used to come on Monday but now Sunday comes on Friday. 
Chris: Huh? 
Me: Oh, I mean Sundi. Sundi used to clean for me on Monday but now she comes on Friday.

Just thought I'd clear that up. Chris and I went shopping today. We went to Walmart and everybody and their neighbor was there. I was in heaven. I seldom shop anymore, I just make a list and someone else does it for me. so I enjoyed driving the cripple cart around. Chris ended up with about three items in her cart and mine was overflowing. I was out of everything. I found the yarn department and they'll have to restock their shelves. I bought it all.  
I guess I better call it a day and take a long winter snooze. It's almost the midnight hour.
The spring chicken says Goodnight.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Short Days and Long Evenings

Winter is for the birds, I hate it. Sometimes I think we have to go through the bad so we will enjoy the good even more. Not much to do when you get old, I think most older folks have aches and pains that keep us from doing much of anything. 
A friend and former coworker called the other day. We had fun discussing all our former coworkers.  Neither of us could remember anyone's name. Oh, do you remember? oh, I can't think of her name. You know who I mean, she was tall.  Oh, you must mean Jean. No, I don't remember Jean. Remember our boss was, oh, what's his name? Wasn't his name Charlie? No, I don't think it was. We spent most of our time trying to remember someone's name. I would say we have the same memory issues. We couldn't even gossip about anyone because we couldn't remember their name. 
Well, I wasted enough time now I can go to bed. I don't go to bed before 11 o'clock or I will be up at 3 or 4AM.

Well, sweet dreams and all that jazz.
I look forward to Summer. A year or so ago, my front yard had a visit from the geese that live at Randal park. They always hang out in pairs.

Saturday, January 11, 2020


I received a Magic Bullet for Christmas. Now wouldn't you think it was a gun of some kind or at least something that fires bullets? Nah, it's none of those things. It's a blender. A very simple jar with a lid that sets in it and you attach it to the jar or glass it came with. Plug it into an outlet and blend whatever you put in it. The Warranty doesn't call it a Magic Bullet, it calls it My NutriLiving which doesn't explain it any better. They can't call it a mixer because that is something you mix up cake batter or bread dough (and I don't mean money) with. Sometimes dough means money which I don't have any, but I've heard of it.
I  can't complain about how it blends. It's wonderful! I put a chopped apple with the peeling left on, I took out the seeds and core,  added a  half banana, a few seedless grapes and Orange juice. It's my breakfast and is delicious. Probably has a million calories but they are healthy calories. You know you can eat all the calories you want as long as they are healthy calories. That may not be entirely true but it sounds nice. People can write or say anything they want to, it's called freedom of speech. 
You can lie until you're blue in the face and it doesn't matter, remember the Freedom of Speech act. 
I think congress passed that act so it's okay. Or is even an act? Doesn't an act mean pretending? 
Congress probably okayed a bunch of those.
But what do I know!!! Do not eat the cake dough, it could be fatal. I didn't know that so my grandkids could eat all the cake dough they wanted to. Deena and Cora are still among the living and me too.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

You're Never too old to Learn Something

Keep your trap shut if it involves anything political or you will have your intelligences evaluated then and there. It doesn't matter what you say, even if it's very vague what you're talking about.  I wrote the following remark on Facebook. "When one becomes a president he needs to take a refresher course on the rules and regulations". 
I stepped on a lot of toes. It's just an opinion I have, but what do I know? I have a cat. 

Back to my crocheting.   

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A New Year

Nothing new except the new year. Chris and I talked on the phone about it and how different it is today compared to the days of long ago. We recalled it must have been very boring because a song was written about an apple tree and then we couldn't remember the lyrics. It was something about don't sleep under the apple tree or don't kiss or what did it say? What were they doing under the apple tree? No, they weren't doing that. Finally had to google it. It was "Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me". Peaceful and calm was the day. Who wants to sit under an apple tree today. 
Well, maybe if you had a job picking apples it might be tempting. 

Good Night and Happy New Year.