Saturday, January 11, 2020


I received a Magic Bullet for Christmas. Now wouldn't you think it was a gun of some kind or at least something that fires bullets? Nah, it's none of those things. It's a blender. A very simple jar with a lid that sets in it and you attach it to the jar or glass it came with. Plug it into an outlet and blend whatever you put in it. The Warranty doesn't call it a Magic Bullet, it calls it My NutriLiving which doesn't explain it any better. They can't call it a mixer because that is something you mix up cake batter or bread dough (and I don't mean money) with. Sometimes dough means money which I don't have any, but I've heard of it.
I  can't complain about how it blends. It's wonderful! I put a chopped apple with the peeling left on, I took out the seeds and core,  added a  half banana, a few seedless grapes and Orange juice. It's my breakfast and is delicious. Probably has a million calories but they are healthy calories. You know you can eat all the calories you want as long as they are healthy calories. That may not be entirely true but it sounds nice. People can write or say anything they want to, it's called freedom of speech. 
You can lie until you're blue in the face and it doesn't matter, remember the Freedom of Speech act. 
I think congress passed that act so it's okay. Or is even an act? Doesn't an act mean pretending? 
Congress probably okayed a bunch of those.
But what do I know!!! Do not eat the cake dough, it could be fatal. I didn't know that so my grandkids could eat all the cake dough they wanted to. Deena and Cora are still among the living and me too.

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