Saturday, January 25, 2020

Sixty-eight Miles and Back

Today I took a little trip out of Yakima, 68 miles to be exact. It's been a long time since I have been 68 miles from home. I saw my Grand kids. Some of them, that is. Two of them have birthdays a day apart and there was a celebration. They were not born the same year. 
I enjoyed seeing everyone and seeing Emily and Jeff's home. They have a beautiful home with lots of room. Now, I'm tired and waiting for bedtime. I've been listening to my goat roping music. Some people call it hillbilly music, I call it good music. I'm going to call it bedtime and say goodnight.
This is a five-generation picture. The baby was born January 22nd and her name is Anaiyah Retha Lemaster. Mom and Daddy are Wendy and Tylor.

Tylor, great-great-grandma,Deena and Cori
and baby makes five.

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