Saturday, January 18, 2020

Short Days and Long Evenings

Winter is for the birds, I hate it. Sometimes I think we have to go through the bad so we will enjoy the good even more. Not much to do when you get old, I think most older folks have aches and pains that keep us from doing much of anything. 
A friend and former coworker called the other day. We had fun discussing all our former coworkers.  Neither of us could remember anyone's name. Oh, do you remember? oh, I can't think of her name. You know who I mean, she was tall.  Oh, you must mean Jean. No, I don't remember Jean. Remember our boss was, oh, what's his name? Wasn't his name Charlie? No, I don't think it was. We spent most of our time trying to remember someone's name. I would say we have the same memory issues. We couldn't even gossip about anyone because we couldn't remember their name. 
Well, I wasted enough time now I can go to bed. I don't go to bed before 11 o'clock or I will be up at 3 or 4AM.

Well, sweet dreams and all that jazz.
I look forward to Summer. A year or so ago, my front yard had a visit from the geese that live at Randal park. They always hang out in pairs.

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