Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Cat Catastrophe

This is SassyLeMassy the boss.
Sassy stopped eating all day yesterday and this morning and was in my face meowing her head off and even during the night she was pouncing on me and meowing. 
I decided she would need to see a Vet and I'm not rolling in money so it was a problem. 
What is wrong with her and what does she want I kept asking myself. Finally, I decided to put fresh food in her bowl. I thought it would help and that is when the answer came. I have very impaired vision but when I picked up the dish it was covered with ants I had the answer to the problem. They were all over the area and if there is anything I hate much more than an ant in the house I don't know what it is. Thank goodness I still had a can of ant spray. They are now history and Sassy is no longer hungry and the peace and quiet is heavenly. 
Now, for the rest of the story. The next time I went in the kitchen the ants had returned. More than ever of them. 
I remember that my neighbor, Polly, is always spraying ant hills in the yard so I called her. She said she would be right over and she was with her can of Raid ant repellant. She sprayed the area and said that will be the end of the ants. She was right. I do believe they are gone.   

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