Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Life Gets Boring

When you get this old everything has got up and left or is trying to get up. The eyes are at half time and the ears are useless except to hang something dangly at the bottom of or some people poke holes in the lobes to enhance their looks. We spend a lifetime trying to look as well as we can. Well, not everyone. We're all made from different molds. We all have our own face, even twins are not 100% identical. Your chances of running into someone that looks exactly like you are very rare or maybe impossible. Think of that, out of the millions of people you have your own 'look'. So what was the purpose for it? Oh, I just thought of the answer to that.  You have to know which kid belongs to you or you might lose it and someone else will be stuck with him/her for life.

Maybe I should get up and do something, but where do I start. There are so many starting points I think I'll just forget it.
The memory is non-existent. I'm talking about me now. Carry a notepad and pen at all times and if you want to go into another room write the reason on the notepad and don't forget to take the notepad with you. 
 Mel, Karen, Kenny

My yarn came, I gotta go!

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