Friday, November 13, 2020

The Big Change

I never dreamed it would come to this. Wear the mask, stay home, keep six feet away from others. This is something people should be doing when they have a common cold. Keep it to yourself! 
I have good news for you youngsters. When you reach old age you no longer get a cold. We finally built up an immunity to the germ. I don't know if that's true or not but it sounds good. I have not had a head cold for eons. 
I went to a new doctor because my doctor had gone into teaching. He didn't let his patients know about it. You found out when you called for an appointment. So I had a new doctor. No blood work was ordered. I asked about a blood test and he didn't think it was necessary. I told him about the itching problem I have but he didn't have anything to say about it. I told him about my legs and feet hurting. He made no comments about that either.
He had on a mask so I can't tell you if he was in there or not. I will not be making any more appointments any time soon. Why bother?
Now we have fraud and fake news and lies or so I heard more than once. 

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