Monday, June 22, 2009

It's Just a Test

Does history really repeat itself? It sure makes you wonder. Remember December 7th 1941? The general public didn’t have a clue there was any danger to Hawaii when Japan attacked. Now, 68 years later, we have North Korea talking about testing some missiles by shooting toward Hawaii.


frogglet said...

Well at least this time they are putting anti-missle weapons in Hawaii. Scary.

Stephanie Frieze said...

Yes, at least this time we are looking.

Jimh. said...

if they go nuclear...well, the US would make sure North Korea would provide a nite-lite for South Korea for another 500 years!

At least the enemy has a seems harder to find insurgents in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

My husband is stationed in South Korea for two more months. At first, I was relieved that they were sending him there instead of to Iraq or Afghanistan. But now, with all of this nuttiness? Not so much...