Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Three And One Makes Four

Hailey waiting for her family.

Jim and Cora. Hailey and Chloe Make Four
Mommy and Chloe met Miss Hailey

Hailey and Daddy Hit It Off Very Well

Visiting her Orphanage to say goodbye to her favorite caretaker.
Hailey was so happy to see her. Caretaker walked away in tears.

Chloe sometimes calls her 'the child'.
She gives everyone a second name.

Even the dog is smiling.

No caption necessary.

That's All Folks

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Life Moves On

A little girl in an Orphanage in China

 Cora and Jim adopted her and named her Chloe
She isn't too sure about it

She is loving this life
A little older

Having a fun day with Dad

She just turned the big six and is in school
Her mannequin pose
All grown up in her heels
I believe she calls this one her boy friend

Proud grandma, grandpa, aunt Molly and aunt Emily
This is her 6th birthday party. They are adopting another little daughter from China. They will be getting her next month.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Baffled Bewildered and Befuddled

The other day a girl from the lung doctor called and wanted to set up my appointment. Since I'm an experienced appointment attender, I didn't question the motive. Not to her, but I did talk it over with myself. as to why they would need to see me a year later. I was there about a year ago with a lung problem, but I am okay now. I was told to come in about ten minutes early to fill out paper work. No problem, I'm experienced in that field as well. I got all gussied up and arrived in plenty of time to fill out papers. I gave her my insurances cards and a copy of the medicine, she copied them, and told me to take a seat and wait.
She didn't mention paper work so I didn't mention it either. 
Finally a girl came out and led me to the room after she weighed me, and by the way I weighed my purse as well and it weighed 3 lbs 4 ozs. I thought I may as well get my moneys worth while there. Then she led me to the little room and took my blood pressure. It was extra high for some reason. 
When the Doctor comes in she wants to know what is happening with me. I told her nothing was wrong and I'm feeling fine. Then she asked why I made the appointment.  I told her someone from her office had called and set up the appointment. She decided it was a computer glitch, and it happens sometimes. 
So she dismissed me and I came home. I think it sounds more like an untrained employee, but what do I know. I just do as they say.  

I just received an explanation of benefits from my insurance company. They paid this doctor $72.35 for this so called computer glitch. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Patience With Portal Patient

These electronic times are so frustrating at times. I have an 8 AM medical appointment in the morning. When the appointment was made I was told to go online and fill out my medical history with Portal Patient. The medical field has developed it so they can save a bunch of paper work.  I had no problem locating the place and filling out the information. It took about an hour because I have a lot of history. Have I had measles, what year? 1941(?). It asked about each childhood ailment. I've had them all because they didn't have the immunizations for anything in my youth. I had Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox, Whooping Cough plus the Flu and Pneumonia numerous times. No wonder I'm so tough. Then it went into the surgeries. How can you remember what all you had done, much less the year. Anyway it took about an hour to finish it. When I sent it, a message  came on that said there was a conflict in the data base, and my information had been terminated. Grrrrr but I thought it was just a computer glitch of some kind so I went through it again and the same thing happened at the end. So I decided to forget it and explain it to them when I go in. Today I got the reminder call and with it was a message that in the event I didn't fill out the medical history online, I would need to come in an hour and a half early so I could fill it out and also my appointment may be rescheduled. That meant I would need to go in at 6:30 instead of 8. ha ha ha ha. So I called and asked if they  are open at 6:30. I told her what happened and she typed my info into her handy dandy little computer and told me that my information came through just fine. WHEW!!!
It's  enough to make you develop more medical problems. 

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Ring Ring Ring

I am putting together a phone menu for my phone.
I am unavailable to come to the phone or I can't find the phone. I don't have any money, I'm too young to vote, I don't want to take a trip, my bank card is fine, my computer is working great, I don't do surveys, you are not my grandson.
Don't press anything just leave a message.
Press OFF if you are a Telemarketer ,Scammer, or Politician or any of the above.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Hodgepodge of Pictures

Just a few old pictures. No rhyme or reason.

The Lockwood family
 Letha, Cecil, Ray, Lorrene, Bennie, Hollis, Gene, Carol, Dennis.
The last time we were all together.

Grandma Potter and me 1945
Bud, my husband in our early years.
He always had a newspaper in his face.

Lorrene, Marge and Leonard.
(my sis and bro in law)

Gene, my brother and all the grandkids he could pack in there, 

Glen, Bud, Wayne and Mary,
My husbands siblings. 

My great grand in the middle and her friends.

Emily and her niece, Shelby
My grand and great grand.

Gene (Carol in back) Ray
My siblings

Bud Lemaster

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Strange Memory

When you reach my age which is older than the average bear, you begin to forget recent things, but sometimes a memory of something that happened in your youth comes floating in clear as a bell. Such as the following. 

One of the  most memorable thing I remember was one morning when I woke up and went downstairs. Mom and Daddy had a bed in the living room at that time. I saw a baby lying on the bed by Mom. I asked, “Where did you find this baby?” She said, “This baby is your new sister and the doctor brought her to us”. I asked, “Where did the doctor get the baby from?” She said, “I don’t know, he just had her in a suitcase”. Until I received my, birds and bees education, I thought babies came in suitcases. My birds and bees education was exactly that. One time I asked, “Why does the fly sit on top of the other fly.” My older brother who already knew everything said, “Cause, they are doin it.” “Doin what?” I asked. Mom overheard the conversation and said, “Now you shut up talking that way, the flies are just playing.”  I was about 15. ha ha

I never remember anything very important. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

The Beginning Roots

 My Grandpa, Jasper Lockwood built this house in 1900 for his family of six.
 My Dad was born here in 1900. We lived here when I was a kid.

Then I grew up and got married, but not in that order.

We had a family of three.

They had families shown below. 
He lost his life at 12.

All six Granddaughters

Laura, Emily, Molly, Katie


Now the Great Grand kids.

Anthony (AJ)

Tylor (the real "cool age")



Leah and Chloe


Great granddaughters

Great Grandma with the Greats