Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Food Foot and Fun

I'm waiting for the healing of my broken ankle. I'm waiting for warmer weather,  I'm waiting for payday. I'm waiting for thicker hair. I'm waiting for visitors.  I'm waiting for the cleaning services  to show up. I'm waiting for a winning lottery ticket to come my way. I never win even one dollar on those tickets, but my SIL and grand SIL bought one for me and it won 10 dollars.  
I am doing better on the foot. I was able to make a slice of bacon, hash browns and an egg and toast for breakfast plus a glass of OJ.
I have no plan for the dinner, but I have some frozen TV dinners and it will have to do.
I had a Marie Calendar Turkey pot pie one day and it was very good.
One day I put two pieces of chicken in the slow cooker with Barbeque sauce  and it was wonderful with a baked potato.
I just sit here and wait. I cannot get back into the crocheting activity. The desire to do it just eludes me. My hair is a disaster and I don't even care. I don't even care who runs for president. 

Shall we go dancing or skiing?

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