Monday, August 20, 2018

Just Some Thoughts Part 2

No person I know looks forward to getting older unless you're under 21. You can't avoid it so if it really bugs you, try to appear younger. Watch the words that come out of your mouth. Don't use expressions such as these: 
Mercy me! Goodness sakes! Oh brother! For Pete's sake! What!!!? Those are the ones I use.
Geez Louise! I don't use that one anymore. Land sakes! My land! Good Night!
Such is life! Oh fiddlesticks!
 A person knows he is old when warned to slow down by his doctor and not the police.
Youth would be an ideal age if it came a little later in life. Some of the benefits of forgetting names and faces, you keep meeting new people. 

Enough of that. Summer is moving right along. August is almost over. Very soon 2019 will be on the horizon and I will be a year older and so will you. I got a head start on most people.  My 90th birthday will be Friday, the 24th. Some pics when I was younger.