Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Passing of Time

I seem to have an abundance of time on my hands, one day just rolls into the next and nothing much changes. When I was employed I had a schedule to follow. Now I get up and have to look at the newspaper to see what day it is. Not that I care because I seem to forget appointments and what day to pay a bill. Some days I even forget to watch Dr Phil. I never forget to feed the cat because she gets in my face lets me know in cat language that it's time to feed the kitty. 
Now I sit here and answer all the robot calls and slam the phone down. Too bad they can't hear it.

Chloe in her earlier days.

Chloe again. Her Daddy is a good photographer.


This is Chloe and  Uncle Dennis

Leah and Chloe (cousins)

Jim and Cora Huffman and Chloe

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