Friday, May 4, 2018

No News is Not News

George W. Bush has just been discharged from the hospital. He has been through a lot recently. I'm glad he is doing well. It must be hard to lose a mate after all those years. 
I love that I live where we have the different seasons. I love Spring and Fall the most. It cost more to keep the grass green around here. We can't depend on rain in this area. 
My broken ankle is much better, but still hurts at times especially when I go to bed. That's when everything hurts the most. Maybe because being tired make it hurt more. I still have pain in my left side from the Shingles I had two years ago and it keeps me awake at times. I think most people have pain they learn to live with. 
I seldom add anything to this blog because nothing ever happens that is worth repeating. 

Our first two grandkids and a poodle. We had two
and I don't know if this was Buffy or Sissy.

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