Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Zero Zilch

Now there is an egg recall. You take a chance with your life every time you eat something. Now they need to invent something to scan your food before you eat to find if it's safe. When there is a need someone will find a solution. People needed to know what kind of weather was coming so they found a way to do it. They had find a way to preserve food. I guess that's why we were born with brains. We sure wouldn't last long without them. 
Since I started this we moved over into Tuesday in the Pacific Northwest.
I don't have any funny or any interesting things for this entry. My neighbors never venture outside.
I shall return!
My family early to mid 40's
One brother was not home. He was in Japan
fighting in the big war. My brother on the right had just returned from Hawaii. He was in the Air Force serving in Pearl Harbor   when it was bombed.

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