Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Money is a Root

Money is the root of all evil, it's also the root of most good. I received a letter from my bank today that looked very  serious and I was a little concerned until I read it. It said, Congratulations! we are pleased to inform you that in recognition of the exceptional way you handle your account we have increased your credit limit to $8,000.00. 
Wow! just what I want is to go in debt for another $8,000.00. I think most people make their payments on time. I have enough debt without their wonderful help. 

My air conditioner never takes a break these hot days. We lived in this town years ago and  had just as hot weather, and we did not have an air conditioner. The windows  were left open all night and I doubt if we had a fan. I don't think fans were very plentiful at that time. 
Remote controls were scarce too. In fact the TV was something many folks couldn't afford, including us. We finally got one and there was no remote control. Imagine having to get off your butt every time you wanted to change channels.

Most of my blogs are about the olden times, I suppose that's because I am an old relic myself. 
I don't know anything exciting or I would share it with you.