Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Family Day

I had a fun day today. My brother and part of his family came over the mountain to see me.
We went to a great place for lunch called Cowiche Creek Kitchen, then we crashed Chloe's 9th birthday party. When we all get together there is a house full of us. We talked about everything under the sun and caught up on each other's lives. 
I didn't take pictures, but I know others were snapping them left and right. Maybe they will post some on Facebook. We discussed the hop fields and marijuana fields. We could call them Pot fields or weed fields would also be correct. We drove by a few on our way out to Moxee where my son lives. Jim and Cora live out there too. 
I should sleep like a log tonight since I hardly slept a wink last night. So I think I'll bring this thing to an end and call it a day.
Mel {Gramps} Kylie and Hailey

Me and Dar 
Ron, Kathy and Lenka.
Hollis, my little brother.

Dale was taking the pictures so he didn't take a selfie. This is a 
different day and I did sleep like a log.

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