Tomorrow morning at 9 AM I will be having surgery on my left eye. The cataract will be removed and hopefully I will be able to see a little better. I have been putting in two different kinds of eye drops in the eye. I have to do it four times today. I guess it prepares the eye for surgery. Tomorrow they put in an IV and drug me up a little. Maybe it's so I can be still while they are working on it. The surgery only last a few minutes, but I will be there for about two hours. That is what she told me. Two weeks later I will have the other eye done.
Everybody I know that has had it done tell me there is nothing to it so I am not worrying about it.
I hope it goes smoothly and you recover quickly! Listen to what they tell you and you will be a good PUPIL! If someone offers you flowers, the appropriate flower for eye surgery is the Iris. The official cartoon character is Popeye. And I heard they will give you the skin drug Retin-A (retina, get it) to rub on your face. Ok, I'm sorry, I was just being Cornea...HA HA HA, I can't stop! Watch out!
Jim thinks he is sooo funny, well maybe he is a little bit. I hope it goes smoothly, I will be thinking about you all day.
Seeing better will be great!
Let us know if you need anything.
Love you, Cora
Hey Jim! You really got on a roll there. I LAUGHED OUT LOUD.
hope all goes well. My eye Dr. said I have one of on my Right eye, but its not bad an enough to take it off.
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