Thursday, December 7, 2017

As The World Rocks

The world has turned into one big money grabbing operation. It’s called marketing skill, but in reality it’s cheating the public skill. Purpose for it is so the higher ups can draw the biggest possible check, and the CEO’s can add another billion to their bulging bank accounts.
It is now happening in the stores that sell used clothes and other items for the low income people. Their items just keep getting higher until it’s hardly affordable by most of their shoppers. Yet their employees work for a small wage. It is supposed to be a non-profit business. They probably get a great tax break and still cheat the public. Maybe they are the worse culprits of all.
Most things are made as cheaply as possible so it will wear out in a short while. Many shelf items in a grocery store are in smaller containers, and still charging the same price or more.
Even the Dollar stores are in on the cheating action. Now they sell miniature sizes of a product that was formerly sold in the regular size.
Many of the people that live on SSI are not deadbeats as they are classified by the general public. Many people are unable to get a job because they act or look peculiar at the interview. Some get extra nervous and freeze up and can't remember anything they planned to say. Shyness is often viewed as being unfriendly. Who wants to hire someone that may be unfriendly whether they work in public or just with other employees. 

  Most people on SSI have been thoroughly checked out to make sure they deserve it. There will always be cheats that will lie and manipulate their way into receiving a check.
When they receive a measly little raise from the government, the food stamps are cut back so where is the raise?
Oh well, tis  the season to be jolly. You would never know it if you listened to me.

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