Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Olden Days

You reach a certain point in your life when whatever happens has already happened at least once.  You have a passport for the Go-to-Heaven train and nobody at the station seems to know when it's leaving. I really don't want to know anyway, so there.
I'm waiting for another great-grandchild and that is exciting. It's a girl and she will be born April 12th. When we had our kids about all we knew was that a baby was coming and we had the fun of guessing what sex it was. We had to pick out a boy name and a girl name. Some people even ended up with twins and didn't have a clue. 
We got through a Winter without a ton of snow. 
I hate cooking and with a sore leg and foot, it's rather difficult to hobble around and cook anything. TV dinners will be the dinner. Some of them are not bad. I like Mexican food so I bought what was called a Burrito Bowl.  It was so spicy hot it was terrible. The next time I bought a chicken fried steak. How can they ruin that? I will find out because it will be my dinner tonight.
The picture is my sister-in-law, Florence, cooking a dinner for us visitors.  Her little girl is Alice Marie and I am holding my first born, Kenny.
No new news so this is it.

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