Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Mask or Else

If we don't wear the mask we might get a life-threatening disease. How long is this going to last? 
You can't get away from it. It's on TV, it's outside, it's at the grocery store. It seems strange to not have any traffic driving by. Even the kid on his noisy motorcycle has parked it.
Oops! someone must have run into a power pole. The power went off and the stupid digital clock has to be reset. Maybe it was the kid with the motorcycle. 
I would cancel the appointment because my foot isn't all that bad, but now I have an itchy scalp that keeps me awake. It's just on the back of my scalp so I can't see if there is a rash or what so I am hoping I can get something for it. The pharmacist told me that OTC med will not cure it. It will take a prescription. I was told that my doctor has left the physician position, he is now teaching. They assigned another one for me. I guess I have no choice in the matter. Oh well, it isn't some mystery disease that would take a specialist to figure out. It's an Itch. 
Wish me luck with my itchy scalp.
Till we meet again.
This is my Daddy a way back when.
I wanted to post it on Father's day but couldn't find it.

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