Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Call a Spade a Spade

Call a Spade a Spade but of course, it's really a Shovel. Well, I have the Yukies and that means sick. I can no longer eat like regular folks do. My taste buds got up and took a hike. I could not stand the taste of anything, so I went to a Dr. and had all the tests done. The follow-up and test results will be available tomorrow at 3 PM. Getting blood out of me is next to impossible. It was finally taken out of the back of my hand. That blood pressure cuff is another punishment I don't deserve.
Hey, I was able to pee in a cup. Yea! for me. 
I could have an infection lurking around in my body somewhere. We'll get to the bottom of this.
In the meantime I must drink two cans of Ensure. Now, that stuff is good for you so shut up and drink it. At least 2 cans per day and more would be better. Well, not in my book, it wouldn't be better.

To be continued:

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