Thursday, February 21, 2019

Let it Snow

Why do they constantly make changes when it works fine just as it is. I am referring to Blogger.
I have been trying to add a little drivel to my blog and when I click on the B it takes me to a place to make a new Blog. I already have this one, I don't want another one. I finally found a way to get to this section. 
 Our local news show a cat or a dog from the Humane shelter each night hoping someone will adopt them. Last night they showed an older small dog that was available for adoption. A lady had lost the dog some time ago and was sick about it. Imagine her joy when she was watching the news and found her lost dog. Tonight they showed her with her happy little dog. If you have a lost pet and enough money to post an ad on TV you might get lucky. 
Now they are predicting more snow for us, I'm not jumping for joy, but let it snow.

Taken when the snow first came, there is still a lot hanging around because it stays so cold. 
It is expected to be 15 degrees tonight.

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