Monday, July 22, 2019

Life in a Lighthouse

Life in a lighthouse! I guess if you wanted to write a book it would be perfect. You wouldn't be disturbed. How long has it been since you visited someone in a lighthouse? Like never, in my case.
It doesn't seem like people visit each other as we did a few years ago. I think TV put an end to that. In the beginning, you'd visit someone with a TV. Until you could afford one of your own.
Remember the drive-in movies? Wash the windshield and pop a tub of popcorn and go to the movies with the kids in the backseat. You didn't hear a peep out of them until it was over. 
We bought a house that had a front porch and a drive-in down the street. It was a silent movie for us. It wasn't the reason we bought the house. lol
Can you imagine what it was like when all they had was silent movies? Piano players could get a job playing music while the movie was on. Probably a lot of action in those early day films. 
We've come a long way, Baby!

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