Sunday, July 14, 2019

Next To Nothing

It's been a normal Sunday thus far. The motorcycle kids must be taking a break. I haven't heard a motorcycle for at least ten minutes.
For some unknown reason, they just like to drive up and down the street, up and down the street, up and down the street, up and down the street. They live at the end of the block and must have at least half a dozen of the noisy things in their yard. They don't bother me at all I just question why do they enjoy it so much. Maybe I should buy one and join them. My life is kind of mundane these days. I don't have a single appointment for the rest of this month. 
I have a cat named Sassy and she likes Bo Pitney, the young country music singer. He is my preferred singer so I listen to all his songs on YouTube. When I turn him on (I don't turn him on, I just turn his music on) Sassy comes running and sits on the arm of my chair and listens with me. I have the laptop on my lap or she would be on my lap. 
Sassy thinks she is my seeing-eye cat. When I get out of my chair which I sit in non-stop, she gets up and goes to the doorway to the kitchen and when I get to the door she escorts me to the bathroom. Get a cat and you'll never pee alone again. 

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