Sunday, July 7, 2019

Life Moves On

How times have changed over the years. One time about 70 years ago we had a murder committed in our town. It was talked about for years. Now we can have two or three in one day and hardly give it a second thought. Only yesterday we had a sixteen-year-old boy lose his life from being stabbed in the hallway at the Valley Mall. We don't take it lightly. It's a terrible tragedy. 

We had to remember to buy what you needed before Sunday because stores were closed on Sundays. I believe that included big grocery stores. We didn't know what a Mall was.
A paperboy delivered an evening paper. You read the paper when the day was over, not before it began. 

A gas station was called the filling station. You didn't get out of the car, the attendant filled your tank and washed your windshield and checked the tires.
If you thought it was going to be a freezing cold night, you didn't turn up the thermostat, you brought more wood and coal in the house to feed the stove with. 
When you got up in the morning, you shivered with the cold until a fire could be built in the stove.
Life moves on and so do we. 

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