Thursday, September 17, 2020

Not My Best Day

Old is for the dinosaurs. I hate this old age but better than no life I suppose. 
The most mundane things can turn into disasters. I bought a new paring knife because the old one was so dull. Today I was using the wonderful new knife and the first thing that happened was a slice across the thumb. Not a big slice but I begin to bleed like a stuck hog. Now that is an expression used only by us antiques. You give your age away from the expressions you use. Who knows what bled like a stuck hog means? Anyway, it wouldn't stop bleeding and it was on my right hand so that was another problem. I attempted to open a bandaid but there was no way I could get the paper off of the bandaid with blood running down my hand. I also have serious eyesight problems and trembling hands.
Do you know I finally had to call Polly, my neighbor to help me. 
She brought her own bandaid and had it on my thumb in nothing flat. There goes another ancient one, in nothing flat. 
That little incident brought back a memory from years ago when I was a newlywed and we were living with my inlaws until we could find a place to rent. It was right after WW2 and housing was extremely rare because the service people were home and getting married to their penpal in many cases. 
One day my inlaws and other relatives decided to drive to Spokane to visit another relative so I and hubby and Grandpa stayed home because the men were picking apples. The home they lived in was in the middle of an orchard. 
I made lunch for the apple pickers and as I started to clean up the kitchen I put a glass on a cupboard shelf and knocked another glass off the shelf and I threw my hands out to catch the glasses. Heaven forbid if I should break their glassware. A broken piece of glass hit me across my little finger and there is a main artery in the little finger I found out later. The blood began to spurt out in big gushes with every heartbeat. No one there but me and I found a big bath towel to catch the blood in. I started over to one of the neighbors when a visitor pulled into the neighbor's driveway. They could see it was a serious problem. We drove down to the orchard and picked up Bud, the husband, and headed for town. The towel was soon soaked with blood and they also had a brand new car and I am bleeding all over it. They took me to the only hospital we had at that time and a nurse looked at it and said, "This is just a cut on the finger so you need to go to the Larson Building and see the DR. I don't remember his name but he was livid that they sent me down there. Bud had to carry me in there because I was so weak by then. The doctor sewed it closed and said if I were in the hospital he would order a blood transfusion so that part was forgotten and I spent the entire summer so tired and weak I couldn't do much of anything and I worried that they would think I was lazy.
Aspirins thin the blood and it is my favorite pain killer. 
Well, no more.

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