Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Life on the Globe

Just another day on the globe. My son is making a grocery run for me. I am still counting flowers on the wall. Sassy, the brat cat, is sitting on the arm of my chair making cat sounds. She is trying so hard to send me a message that she wants some cat treats. I am ignoring her because she needs to go to cat-treat therapy. It's a habit she needs to quit cold turkey and not look back. If I had a dog she/it would be looking out the window for something to bark at. They want their voices heard. They also need a poop scooper to scoop their poop. I'm not signing up for that job. Now wouldn't that be prestigious employment to enter on an important document? An official poop scooper.

I had the vaccine and wish everyone else had it as well. I understand others are refusing to get it because it means the government is trying to take control and take over our minds and they don't want another Hitler. Or they don't believe it's been tested enough yet.
I understand if you get it you might die, ready or not. and if you don't die you still suffer a lot. I'm old but I am still in no hurry to leave this planet.

As you were.

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