Sunday, February 13, 2022

Ups and Downs

Aren't we glad we don't have to live this same life over to see what we would do differently? I really don't want to know. 
The snow is slowly melting and I am glad to see it go. 
I don't have much to look forward to these days, just another day older and deeper in debt. I guess we're all in this canoe together.
Living alone is the worse thing that can happen to a person. Especially when there is a Pandemic going on. 

Kenny or Chris take me to appointments and I appreciate it so much. I can use Dial A Ride and they get you there in time, but you wait for the return trip home and I am low on patience when it comes to waiting for anything. I'm always early for everything and you should be as well. 
I hope I get to see some grandkids this Summer. I have one that lives in Yakima and I still haven't seen him. He was born December 16th, 2021.
I guess I have a case of the grumbles so I shall shut this down for now. 

It's not my creation
I just helped myself to it.

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