Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Way Things Are

Does the mask eliminate the common head cold? I don't remember having a head cold for years. Do we outgrow those things when we get in our 70's? I haven't had one for years. I never get exposed to anything because I'm always home so that may be the reason. Back in the early days, Grandpa or Grandma always lived with one of their kids and had a rocker in a corner. They probably couldn't see very well. How dreadful it must have been, so there they sat. Well, I guess they didn't sit there too long because they usually died in their 70's. There was nothing to read or look at anyway. Back in the very early days, they had to go out back to the outhouse a few times a day, rain or shine.
Aren't you glad you live in this era?
Till we meet again. It can't be too
soon for me. He only lived 70 years.
I think it's one of our poodles at his feet.
He didn't wear fuzzy slippers.

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