Saturday, January 29, 2022

Over The Hill

Over the hill and too tired to climb back up. Why do some people die early and others live forever?
I think God made a recipe one day. He threw in all the ingredients and tossed in a cup full of brains and then sat back to see what would happen. Well, this is what happened. 😫
The radio was invented and we were asked to visit the neighbors and listen to their radio. We never dreamed that one day we would own our very own radio. When I first heard of television, the thought of ever owning one of those had never crossed my mind.
I'm just passing the time away. The days are getting a little longer. 
Well, take it easy and January is on the way out. 
The following picture was in about 1947 or so. My Bro-in-law's opened this service station on North First Street in Yakima, WA. My Father-in-law, Arthur LeMaster in front of the car. I also think it was his car.

Once upon a time, I looked like this picture. That was before the turkey neck!!!

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