Sunday, October 14, 2018

Such is Life

How could a kid living in the country get in trouble, you ask. Oh, I guess you didn't ask. Well, I'll tell you anyway. 
When I was a "mature" 13 year old I stayed over night with a friend. She lived a half mile away with her Grandmother. We slept (pretended to sleep)in her upstairs bedroom. We had a plan, but Grandma had to go to bed first. Grandma finally went to bed and we assumed to sleep in about ten minutes so we sneaked as quietly as we could down the squeaky stairway, and around the house and to the small barn in the back. We perched ourselves upon her pony and clop, clop, clop by the side of the house and down the long driveway. We had a plan to meet my brother and his friends at a certain place so away we went on a moonlit Summer night. We met the friends and was having a fun time yelling and singing and just being kids, we didn't have booze or anything similar to that. We were just having a great time being kids while back at the house a light sleeping Grandma roused from her sleep from
 the horse clomping down the driveway. 
She suspected there was an empty bed upstairs and went up to check it out. She had no car and my family had no phone so it took her awhile to walk the half mile to our house to let the DA know what happened. My Dad's name was Dennis Arthur so she always called him the DA (District Atty).  She thought it was a job for the DA. The DA thought so too and it didn't take long to hear the noise kids.  He broke that party up in nothing flat. I received a tongue lashing, but no time-outs or anything being taken away from me as they do today. I had nothing to be taken away. I wasn't allowed to visit the friend again for some time. That was the punishment. 
When you get this age you tend to remember those old things you hadn't thought of in years. 
Such is life.
Such is life

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