Sunday, October 28, 2018

Boredom is Normal

This has been the longest day in history. Nothing but football on TV. It's only 8 PM. The trick or treaters will be coming the 31st. 
I'm not able to jump up and go to the door all evening so I am going to be a scrooge and ignore the doorbell. I don't turn the porch light on and they usually don't come to my door without the light on. We didn't do trick or treating when I was a kid. We lived in the country so it was just another day as I recall. I think there were a few tricks without the treats. Such as tipping someone's toilet over. 
That is about the grossest thing I can think of.
I am a restless sleeper. I sleep for two hours and then awake for two hours or so. If I were able I would go take a walk and that would take care of the sleepless problem.
I have nothing to say.

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