Sunday, May 26, 2019

Just some old Pictures

It's a great life if you don't weaken because you'll need all the strength you can muster up when old age catches up with you. Everything either slows down or wears out. I sometimes think I'm on the edge of being brain dead, I can't remember anything. 
Today I knew I had a twenty in my pocket and when I searched the pocket, it wasn't there so that meant I had already put it in my wallet, but when I looked in the wallet it wasn't there so I looked in all the likly pockets it would be in. There was no twenty anywhere. Now, tell me how a twenty dollar bill could just vanish. No one could have taken it because no one was here except the cat and she isn't a big spender so I didn't suspect her. I looked in the purse time and again and it wasn't there.  I called Chris and she said she would look in her car to see if I dropped it there somehow. It wasn't in the car so she said she would come over and help me look for it. I am a little bit vision impaired so I thought it was a good idea. I thought I also had two tens in the Wallet and there were two fives, but no tens. 
We both knew I had a twenty because she had given it to me. She bought something from me. We hung up and I decided to look in the purse once more and there it was in the bottom of the purse folded up, I don't fold bills up in a square but that's what I found. So now I think I'm a little crazy. 
Some old family photo's.

I was trying to remember the other day if Dad lost his thumb on his right hand  or left hand. Here is the answer.

Old picture of family.  I looked a lot like one of my second cousins. I am sitting in front and she is standing holding the little girl. We don't look alike in this picture, but I remember we did look alike. I don't even remember her name. We were never together. They lived in a different town.

My Dad, Dennis Lockwood
Me, Mom and Carol

Me and my inlaws

My brothers and sister

Bud and I and his family

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