Thursday, May 16, 2019

Thinking Time

I was ushered into this life at 11:30AM CST in a two room house and a doctor was there to separate me from my mother.  I was told that I had a lot of black hair. Well, I wish I still had some of it. When my oldest son was born he had hair like that. When my second son was born he had red hair and it soon turned brown, but he had three daughters with red hair. Their Grandma on their mothers side had red hair.  I have read that there has to be red hair on both sides to have a red head. My Dad had red hair when he had hair. None of us kids had red hair. My daughter was born with a lot of black hair.
Speaking of hair, have you ever seen anything more riduculous than some of the present day hair styles.
I know they want to be open minded about such things as a two feet high Mohawk style.
  I think they are so open minded their brains have fallen out.
 I'm trying to do this and watch TV at the same time. Maybe my brains fell out.

Tyler, Leah, Chloe
Hailey, Kylie and Shelby

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling
Tyler and Kylie

My daughters in-laws in  their early days.
1946 Before marriage


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