Friday, December 13, 2019

The Day I Got Off the Bus

I was transplanted to this God-forsaken village seventy-some years ago.  It was not really God-forsaken, but to me it was. I didn't know a single soul except for my husband and new inlaws, Hub had a job and was gone eight hours a day. So what was there to do. I sit at the table and played solitaire until I wore the cards out.  I had learned how to crochet so I did a lot of that. In those days I don't remember yarn being in existence so I made a ton of those little frilly doilies. One day I decided to find the city library. I don't remember how I found the address and I  didn't know if it was North 3rd Ave or South 3rd Ave so of course I went to the wrong one and found the Armory building. I wandered around for awhile and finally went home. 
I sat and looked out the window a lot. Finally, I had a new neighbor and her name was Lorraine. We became best friends right away because she was in the same boat I was in except she came with her new husband from Arizona. We were best friends for the rest of her life.  It was the rest of her life because she passed away several years ago. Another new neighbor moved into our apartment building and her name was Mary. She remained a friend until her death many years ago. Well, life goes on or at least mine does and now every friend I ever knew kicked the bucket. Not really, I know Billy and Marian are still around, but I think everyone else has turned themselves in. I'd turn myself in but can't find the office. You know how I am about finding places. If this doesn't make sense it's because I don't have any left since I grew so old. I think Cecilia may still be around but I have forgotten her last name and I think Sheila may be around as well.
Well, the sun finally peeked around a cloud. We've had the dreariest weather lately. It's Friday the 13th.
Stay warm and keep your smile smiling. 

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