Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Blink and Bat

I'm waiting for my hair to dry.  It takes two hours. That's about as exciting as it gets around here these days. Now tomorrow is going to be different because I will get shot, in the arm that is. Prolia shot. 
The next day I will have a bone scan. Then the calendar is blank the rest of the month. Blank is what it's all about lately. When you're lucky enough to even see someone, you can't really see them, all you see is a mask. To smile at a stranger you just blink your eyes at them instead.  Blink or bat, what is the difference? Just don't wink.
I started this yesterday, so the shot is today. 
I'm looking forward to it because Chris will be taking me and then we will be going for a late lunch or an early dinner. Whatever it's called we will be able to eat inside a restaurant if they are not overly busy. We still need to be six feet apart. They allow you to take the mask off long enough to eat.
I saw a lady on TV that had on a mask with a big smile drawn on the mask. 
As you can see I have nothing to write about so I shall sign off and stare out the window some more.
He was born in 1920. Not sure what year the car is.
His name is Kenneth AKA Bud.

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