Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Before Google, we had the party line. When you decided to have phone service you could get a much better rate if you accepted a party line, meaning you would share the line with two or three other families. If they weren't using the phone you could use it. If you were the curious type you could listen to their conversation and if they were nosey they would snoop in on your conversation. You could learn very valuable information such as what they were having for dinner that night and interesting things like that. This was before blocks, you couldn't block anything. It was what it was and it wasn't forbidden! So everyone used their lily-white language just in case. A block was something the kids left on the floor and you stepped on later in the night on your way to the bathroom. Nothing was blocked. 
Nothing new from this side of town so I think I'll shut this down for the night. 
See ya later sweet potater!  We also had a different vocabulary, we made it up as we went along. 


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