Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Life in the Snow Lane

Life is even slower in the snow lane. I no longer drive because I got old and half-blind. It's better than being all the way blind. but I still like to complain. 
We had a big snowstorm and then it stayed below freezing so the snow settled in for good. The streets are okay around here anyway. 
I hate wearing a mask. I haven't heard of anyone that loves wearing one. No one will know if you don't have makeup on. I don't think anyone cares anyway. I think you might be noticed if you go streaking down the street with nothing on but other than that I don't think anyone cares what you wear. 
Nothing is shocking anymore. 
I have nothing to write about so I shall shut up and find something to eat.

My Granddaughters many years ago.

1 comment:

Smojet said...

Hello there, I was doing a search for "gardeners' pet peeves" and I found your blog. You seem delightful and I hope you enjoy your blog entries. Regarding recycling: I have read that most of our recycling gets shipped to China because it is too expensive to melt down and refine everything in the USA. So we pay China to take it, and they... dump it in their dumps. Can you imagine? We're basically paying them to take our trash! All that work rinsing our jars. I throw peanut butter jars straight in the trash now. Not worth it to give them a bath and fancy them up for a Chinese landfill. I figure someday people will learn how to mine ancient dump sites. I hear in Europe some countries are already burning their dump material for energy, and filtering the smoke produced so it doesn't pollute everything. Sounds interesting to me. Anyway blessings to you!