Monday, July 22, 2019

Life in a Lighthouse

Life in a lighthouse! I guess if you wanted to write a book it would be perfect. You wouldn't be disturbed. How long has it been since you visited someone in a lighthouse? Like never, in my case.
It doesn't seem like people visit each other as we did a few years ago. I think TV put an end to that. In the beginning, you'd visit someone with a TV. Until you could afford one of your own.
Remember the drive-in movies? Wash the windshield and pop a tub of popcorn and go to the movies with the kids in the backseat. You didn't hear a peep out of them until it was over. 
We bought a house that had a front porch and a drive-in down the street. It was a silent movie for us. It wasn't the reason we bought the house. lol
Can you imagine what it was like when all they had was silent movies? Piano players could get a job playing music while the movie was on. Probably a lot of action in those early day films. 
We've come a long way, Baby!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Next To Nothing

It's been a normal Sunday thus far. The motorcycle kids must be taking a break. I haven't heard a motorcycle for at least ten minutes.
For some unknown reason, they just like to drive up and down the street, up and down the street, up and down the street, up and down the street. They live at the end of the block and must have at least half a dozen of the noisy things in their yard. They don't bother me at all I just question why do they enjoy it so much. Maybe I should buy one and join them. My life is kind of mundane these days. I don't have a single appointment for the rest of this month. 
I have a cat named Sassy and she likes Bo Pitney, the young country music singer. He is my preferred singer so I listen to all his songs on YouTube. When I turn him on (I don't turn him on, I just turn his music on) Sassy comes running and sits on the arm of my chair and listens with me. I have the laptop on my lap or she would be on my lap. 
Sassy thinks she is my seeing-eye cat. When I get out of my chair which I sit in non-stop, she gets up and goes to the doorway to the kitchen and when I get to the door she escorts me to the bathroom. Get a cat and you'll never pee alone again. 

Thursday, July 11, 2019

English Language

My Lockwood family in about 1992. May 26th was our reunion date. We started calling it Strawberry day. I'm not sure who or why but it was Strawberry day. It was our Dad's birthday and then he had a son born on that day and then a grandson. It must have been a little cool when this one was taken.

That's all folks !!!!!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Life Moves On

How times have changed over the years. One time about 70 years ago we had a murder committed in our town. It was talked about for years. Now we can have two or three in one day and hardly give it a second thought. Only yesterday we had a sixteen-year-old boy lose his life from being stabbed in the hallway at the Valley Mall. We don't take it lightly. It's a terrible tragedy. 

We had to remember to buy what you needed before Sunday because stores were closed on Sundays. I believe that included big grocery stores. We didn't know what a Mall was.
A paperboy delivered an evening paper. You read the paper when the day was over, not before it began. 

A gas station was called the filling station. You didn't get out of the car, the attendant filled your tank and washed your windshield and checked the tires.
If you thought it was going to be a freezing cold night, you didn't turn up the thermostat, you brought more wood and coal in the house to feed the stove with. 
When you got up in the morning, you shivered with the cold until a fire could be built in the stove.
Life moves on and so do we. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

The Olden Days

This is what school was like in my early days and I go back a few decades; there were no such things as snow days. If it snowed it was just another day on the calendar. You hauled yourself out of bed and put your freshly ironed clothes on and a warm coat and don't forget the goloshes, a waterproof overshoe made of rubber. Girls wore dresses, maybe it was a sin for a girl to wear pants. I'm not sure, but it seemed to be a strict rule. Girls could wear long socks in cold weather. That involved wearing a garter belt to fasten on to the socks. It was a belt with garters fastened to it, one for the back of the sock and one for the front. Must have been really cute, but whatever works. The school was located a mile North, and a half mile East from our home.  We would trudge through that snow to school. Our teacher would go to the school earlier and have a fire going in the coal burning pot-bellied stove. Coal was delivered to the school. She would have a bucket of water from the well with a ladle in it for drinking. We all drank from the same ladle, we didn't have a clue we were sharing our cold germs with each other. I remember one time she had a wash basin with some water she had heated a little for us to thaw our frozen hands in. I will never forget the time we were dreading walking home in the freezing weather and just as school let out our Dad was coming up the road with the team of horses and a wagon to take us home. It was still cold, but at least we didn't have to walk in the snow. Now the wimpy little kids...Just kidding, I am very thankful my grandkids don't have to go through those bad times.