Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Silence is Heavenly

Sometimes when I turn the TV off the silence is wonderful. I've heard people say they turn their TV on just for the sound. Maybe they don't feel so alone. I turn mine off because I like to go on YouTube and whatever you have an interest in you can find it on there. Music, hobbies, instructions, questions, patterns, people, etc. It's better than Google. 
I've searched Facebook for anyone I ever knew, I do believe. It isn't taking much of my time these days. I finally wised up to the clickbait garbage. They show a fascinating picture of something, but if you want to read the story you click on the story and then the ads galore and two lines of the story. I think we've all wised up to that now so they need to come up with something new. 
Fall is creeping upon us. The days are getting shorter already. 
I think this is enough gibberish for now. 

Enjoy the Fall

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