Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Past is Past

The awful things that happen during this time of our lives are terrible. I'm speaking of El Paso. 
Those poor families have to wait forever to know if their family member has been shot or were they even there. Hospitals aren't expecting something so horrible to happen so they are understaffed.
How times have changed. When I was a kid we didn't know much if anything about what was happening.
We received a newspaper and I don't recall if it was daily or weekly. It was delivered by the mailman. We lived in the country, I'm not sure what happened in town. Most folks didn't have a radio.
I remember when the Pearl Harbor event happened, we didn't know anything about it until a friend who lived a couple miles away rode over on his horse to tell us about it because he knew our oldest brother was stationed there. 
Now we have newspapers, radios, telephones, television, the internet, and the grapevine.

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