Thursday, August 15, 2019

This Old Life

Now that I am in my adulthood I think a lot about my childhood before everything started hurting. 
I couldn't wait until I was 5 so I could go to school. After about a week, it was enough of that already, but they had swings and teeter-totters and a slide and I excelled in those things. Jumping rope was my favorite and I could do that at home.
Now I'm over the hill and almost to the bottom of it I can't help but wonder what is next. I know what we've heard all our lives, but how will that be, do we remember who we are or do we start over like a newborn baby?  I hope I remember that I've been potty trained. 
In the meantime, I will plod along and count my blessings and curse my curses.
I received a valuable piece of advice recently that if you say something bad about someone always follow it with, bless her heart or his heart. That will erase your evil intent. You know, I'm still learning things in my adulthood. 

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