Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Life in the old-age Lane

Gloomy day and gloomy news. The approximate date for the blinds delivery was Thursday the 14th. Now the date for the delivery is Friday the 15th. Oh well, such is life in this old age. I wouldn't be so antsy about the darn things except I sit here at night feeling like a target for those passing by.

The doctor said my vision will not get worse with the injections, I sure hope he is right. It's so bad now I can look at something and it just isn't there and 5 minutes later look in the same spot and there it is. Now is my vision worse or are there evil little demons running around hiding things?
I spent several hours yesterday looking for a flashlight. I didn't need it because I have those little ones everywhere. It just bugged me because I knew it was here the day before. Let sleeping dogs lie they say. Well, this isn't a sleeping dog, it's a damned yellow flashlight so where is it? So, let's just sit down and think about this. Maybe it's in the garage, I didn't look there. 
Okay, the next time I get up I'll look there. Twenty minutes later I had to make a potty call, it's the first thing on my to-do list these days. After that, I remembered I wanted to look in the garage for something, now what was it? Oh yes, where is that flashlight so I looked there and what before my wandering eyes should appear. the damned flashlight. It had been left on because I was searching around in one of those plastic tubs for a certain yarn and found the exact yarn I was looking for. I was so excited about finding the yarn I forgot the flashlight. 
Maybe I'm getting Al's hammer (Alzheimer) disease.
Don't wish to live to a ripe old age, it'll only get worse.  

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