Thursday, September 23, 2021


You never see a silver dollar anymore. Well, maybe you do but I don't. That may be because I never go shopping.  I excel in logic. For instance, if you don't want to get Covid get the vaccine. Or it might cause you to grow two heads. Well, maybe you need another one.  
I no longer have any friends, they all went to the great beyond. How do we know it's so great? No one ever returned so it must be great. 
I'm at an age when you buy groceries, buy the smaller size, you may not be here next week. When the Dr wants to see you in a year. Wow! Dr thinks I'm in great health.
I am required to file an annual report to the secretary of State regarding this so-called Condo I am buying. It was due in June and I failed to file it. Now it is so far past due I have to pay $35 late fees. Or write them a letter explaining why I am so late with the payment. 
It's because I'm 93 and I forgot. 
It's past my bedtime, I forgot to go to bed. 
                                        The End

Happy Pumpkin Day

1 comment:

Michael holman said...

You never fail to crack me up Lorrene